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Water Mexican

A person of Filipino ancestry. Essentially the Mexicans of the Pacific, Filipinos have the propensity to do otherwise Mexican jobs like cleaning hotel rooms, yard work, and nursing in aquatic Pacific rim nations.

Ramos works in IT? I would have figured she was a maid since she's a Water Mexican.

by SalamatPo June 12, 2009

60๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

water bra

A cruel trick perpetrated by victorias secret. Well I know her secret, she's a fucking whore.

I heard a pop, and suddenly I found myself soaking wet. As I stood there with my mouth agape, staring stupidly at her sopping wet chest, with it's now lop sided breasts, it begain to dawn on me that I had been the victim of a most cruel hoax. The water bra.

by Stash_Master August 13, 2006

129๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

devil's water

1: (n) When one is in a state of love or deep longing for another person physically. "Going out" with somebody. This is usually due to the yearning for another person in one's life, not for the actual liking of one person. Commonly known as "Drinking the Devil's water" or "Bathing in the Devil's water". It is called "the Devil's water" because of the fact that lust and sex are sins.

2: (n) A river in Northumberland, England.

"My 11 year old sister has friends with boyfriends, now she thinks she needs one!"
"Be careful, you wouldn't want her drinking the devil's water too early."

"Have you been to Devil's Water in England?"
"Why would I go there? That is just a small tributary."

by Thomas Anonymous January 13, 2009

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water balloon

You're fucking a girl with a condom, when you blow your wad in it take it off and smack her with it. Thus pissing her off but giving yourself a very good laugh.

Oh my god i got brittany with a water balloon last night.

by Josh Quail November 21, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Water Dog

Racist slur for someone of Portugese decent that that can be applied to the the thick dark uncontrollable hair that the individual may posses like their prized breed of dogs. Can also be used as a slur against Portugese in general.

Matt you fu*kin Water Dog you should be embarrsed of yourself you son of bitch.

by Bobby Bker July 9, 2010

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life water

the best drink that has ever existed (especially pomegranate cherry flavor). it is a vitamin enhanced water beverage made by sobe. it contains 4 essential b vitamins and antioxidant vitamins c & e.

life water makes me wanna spooge inside.

by sh0tgunxxsinnerx May 17, 2007

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Water Birth

The act of deficating in a pool.

Dude, I totally gave water birth in some random pool last night!

by lipitor June 28, 2010

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