A god, creator, and supreme being. A god who many aspire to please in his poopy ways.
Oh Poop-lop-mc-gop how I wish to please you.
k8tmontbille getting mc flapper by steve jones mouth saying agagagagag parfita
MC Cracker is the best rapper ever, hes got a great flow and lyrics as good as Eminem’s, if you don’t listen to his debut album Cracker you will go to hell
Tyrone - “don’t you love MC Crackers new album”
Tyrese - “hell yeah my nibba”
több százezer kilómétere vagyok magyarországtol
32 négyzetméteres pizza by mc isti
1. : Meter maids of false creek taking families dingies from public docks and holding them for ransom.
2 : The bacon who funded by developers who harass the live aboard community in the False Creek Vancouver BC
The R.G. Mc Bacon is back in the creek after there donut run.
A sinkhole of a server that gets reset once a year and in which factions and prisons is favoured over skyblock.
Ahh shit, hypixel sb is pulling a vanity mc