Fuckboi, often the ghetto spelling of "Fuckboy" is word used to describe a guy who is an untrustable, self centered, ass hole. Fuckbois often share the following characteristics:
-white skin
-wears snap back hat
-wears Nike Elite socks
-wears basketball shorts and flip flops to a funeral
Also, Fuckbois are known to do the following:
-Ask for a ride and offer gas money, then after the ride claim they lost their wallet - when in reality they are just broke
-Claim they just left and are on the way when they haven't even left their bed
-take selfies with a small stack of 20s or 100s
-take pictures of shoes and snap back hats
That Fuckboy spends all day ignoring his girl friend while he plays on Tinder
Fuckboys are people that forbid serious relationships from their lives, only because of the fact that they need multiple companies/ girls. They have only physical to partial physical relationships. Physical being having sex with a girl, only to tell her that he has been cheating, thinks they're not good together, etc. Partial physical being asking multiple times for "pics". Girls, if a guy asks you for nudes, go to the nearest google site, screenshot a picture of a nude pallet, and send it to him. Block him simoltaniously.
T:Justin asked me for nudes today...
K: dont, he's such a fuckboy.
There are two common types of fuckboys - Social fuckboys and sexual fuckboys.
Sexual fuckboys are the less common but more popularized type. They solely use women for sex and will do anything to obtain it. However, social fuckboys, the more common type of fuckboy, is less of an asshole. A social fuckboy ignores and forgets about his male friends while attempting to attempt females. They will also act drastically different and change themselves and their personalities around women and girls. Although much less obivous to women, social fuckboys are extremely annoying to their friends.
Girl 1: Oh my god, this guy I've been texting is a complete fuckboy, he's already asked for nudes.
Guy 1: Jerry, you have to stop acting like a fuckboy, when you talk to girls you become self-centered and annoying.
fuckboy is a weak ass pussy who aint bout shit !
*don't try to hook up with him .. he's a fuckboy
a fuckboy is someone like micah. is a thirst trap 24/7 and is always shirtless.
damn son he such a fuckboy ah ha ha
a fuckboy is a really hot kid but is a real fucking asshole .
omg that kid Chris is hella hot , too bad he's a fuckboy ): side hoe main hoe
A male usually 30 and older that is so conceited and full of him self and convinced Hes Gods gift to the female species, even though he really has a lot of sugar in his tank. He does not keep a legit job, but always lives comfortably, and somehow keeps a lot of friends. Usually going by the name of Grant, Jeff, Joe, J....simple names. His best accomplices are felony melony and meth beth.
That damn Dover FuckBoy keeps stealing all of my lightbulbs.