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Sarah Palin

The woman who won the "Blow McCain" competition in late August, granting her Vice President nominee for the Elephant party (Republicans). Sarah Palin thinks that dinosaurs existed 4000 years ago and that evolution is not real. Sarah Palin is a stupid American soccer mom whose daughter is the basis for Juno.

Normal person: "i believe in evolution not creationism"
Sarah Palin (as VP): You are unamerican

by phenobarbiedoll September 11, 2008

5585๐Ÿ‘ 40957๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Smith

Has nice boobs. They taste good. I'm about to actually see them in like 2 minutes.

i'm about to fuck sarah smith

by Imabouttoseeboobslol January 25, 2012

47๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Belle

A beautiful, kind, caring person who looks out for everyone she loves. She is a sweetheart but can stand up for what she believes is right. A great communicator and gives great advice. She will drop anything that is in her way of happiness and those who dont support her decisions. She is a great person to be in a relationship with one who understands her. A Sarah Belle has beauty on the outside as you can cleary see, but also more beauty within witch you can see with her smile, or hear with her laugh.

Sarah Belle is such a great person to talk too.

You can see Sarah Belle's natural beauty in her smile and eyes.

by miss appear September 15, 2011

34๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

sarah montgomery

Sarah Montgomery is a girl who is scared but likes to have a good time. She is always worrying about what other people think. She is very nice and she will stand up for any of her friends. Sarah Montgomery is a beautiful princess and deserves good treatment and love. Sarah Montgomery is a hard worked and likes to be with the ones she loves. Sarah Montgomery is always making people smile she is just plain amazing. Sarah Montgomery is a kind of girl if you fell in love with her then you would never go back without thinking of her.

guy1: dude that girl is beautiful

guy2: That has to be a Sarah Montgomery

by jeez lord June 9, 2014

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah O

A beautiful, flawless girl with a spunky personality and stunning eyes. Keeps the guys coming, and knows how to play the field. Loves parties, and staying up late with her friends. She eats when she's bored and she's got nice junk. Sarah O, loves to drive fast, and have the wind in her hair. She's extremely hilarious, and outgoing. Sarah likes to talk gangster, and pop it like its hott. Lets just say Sarah O, is one of a kind and once you have one, don't let her go.

"Dannnng, look at that girl over there!"

"Oh yeah man thats Sarah O, she's bangin', and she sure does have a nice gangster voice!"

by KT16. March 13, 2010

37๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

sarah palin

A completely and totally unqualified, and rather terrifying, Vice Presidential Nominee. Also known as a joke.

"Can you believe that John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate?"

"No, I can't- the bitch is fucking crazy. She's just Bush in Heels."

by textbookenemy September 11, 2008

3505๐Ÿ‘ 2239๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

The vice presidential nominee who is basically a nazi, without the genocide. She has as much experience as a PTA member. Quite frankly she's a bit of a joke. Oh yeah and her daughter has had two kids and pretends the first one was hers, hows that for fucked up.

OMG!!! McCain is a hypocrite for nominating Sarah Palin.

by Chrisity September 15, 2008

1839๐Ÿ‘ 6919๐Ÿ‘Ž