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someone died, bruh

by Nuttting April 21, 2021




by Not 🅱️alden July 16, 2020


A way to great a african american reminisent of "sup my n" "Or my nigga" I can be positive or negative

"Bruh, I finna beat this dude" or "Bruh my nigga"

by dirtysanchezface September 26, 2017


bruh is a meme that people say when someone dose something weird or stupid

guy1: says xbox sucks

by SPYERLAND February 10, 2023


The stupidest slang ever invented. Also, it's heavily sheeped and it's pathetic how many dolts use it!

Dude 1: My mom just died.
Dude: 2: Bruh
Dude 1: Shut the fuck up with that garbage slang!

by HornyPussyLover August 7, 2024


"Bruh" is a slang term that is often used as an expression of surprise or disbelief. It can also be used as a shortened version of "brother" as a term of address among friends. In recent years, it has also been used as an informal way of saying "hey" or "what's up."

Joe: "Yo, Bob, check this out. I just got a new car."

Bob: "Bruh, no way! What kind of car is it?"

Joe: "It's a Lamborghini. I've been saving up for it for years."

Bob: "Bruh, that's insane! I'm so jealous. Can I take it for a spin later?"

Joe: "Of course, bruh. It's all yours."

by dwdwefewf January 21, 2023


I consider this to mean:

B: Brother
R: R
U: U
H: High

friend: I haven’t drank water in three days. Is that healthy?
friend 2: bruh

by why.am.i.heere. June 9, 2021