Brown hair chloe who is a simp and a pick me girl
liam : Wow did you see chloe sniffaline today tryna get on me Jackson
Does Dance. Mediocre. That's it.
She is Chloe Nickell
Chloe White is an amazing friend with a big heart. Queen of WHATTTTTT!!!!! Loves sparky with all her heart. Harry potter lover and ppl watcher. Watch out you just may get a text from - A (she is emily)
Did you see that film that Chloe White produced??
to look at someone with no understanding what is happening and serious dose of cringe at the same time
based on the Chloe - the Disneyland video meme girl
Example: "Don't give a Chloe to me! I am wearing this dinosaur costume tonight!"
A smart intelligent cute young lady who doesn't let anyone bother her she has a warm heart and has a love off music she Usually a cuban and black girl but she doesn't let her race make her any different and anyone with this nickname is fine asf thick butt and slim thick
Look at Chloe Bella she so fine
That's must be Chloe Bella look at her butt😍
A ray of sunshine through your darkest days, sent to bring the world love. A lover of unity and all this beautiful. Crazy Beautiful to say the least.
She was one of a kind, a real Chloe Rae Valdes
Libba and Eik didn't know what to get so we got you this mug.
Chloe & Chantall this mug on alternating weeks.