A police officer who is very jumpy or is quick to pull out their firearm in every situation, a reference to the cop who mag dumped into a cop car after an acorn fell onto the roof of the car
“I was at Walmart today and I saw a cop pull a gun on a woman stealing diapers for her baby, what an acorn cop!”
The Modern Brown Shirts Of Idaho trained to Arrest and Oppress with no other reason but to make money for the department and government, they get off to filing false reports to further their massive Racketeering operation and Intimidate people into taking plea deals
You were arrested for something you didn't do??? Must of been Ada County Cops!
When you have committed a crime and you have a cop in your pocket, that means you have a police officer friend who will manipulate police reports to help you avoid arrest or legal accountability for crimes you have bragged about committing.
I got a Cop In Pocket and another Cop On Text, I can do whatever I want.
A person who overuses the word ‘cringe’ to the point where it’s cringeworthy in and of itself. The irony is that they give up so much of their own time to mock all who fit their meaning of ‘cringe’. A pun on ‘cringe comps’, which tend to be their sad excuses for YouTube videos.
He thinks he’s better than you just because you like ponies? What a cringe cop.
The one kind of cop more full of shit than a regular cop.
The TV Cop kept talking about how what he did to that unarmed black guy made him a real life hero, that it was more than TV.
What a real baddie says to people who dares to make him angry especially with his country cuties.
Person 1: Hey is it okay if I live here?
Person 2: No I donate to the cops. “The Baddie”
Person 1: Mhm sure you do adopt me!
Person 2: *Punches to Ground* “The Baddie”
Typically used by professional undercover agents, the phrase "I'm not a cop", gives the impression that you are totally not a cop.
The phrase has assisted the force in infiltrating and capturing thousands of high value targets involved in drug and human traffic.
Mostly used as a persuasive tactic or a reassuring statement to mask his identity in sting operations.
Totally not a Cop: "yo wassup', you guys know where I can find some of the good dope" , "I'm not a cop"
Crook 1: *pulls out gun*
Crook 2: *pulls out gun*
Crook 3: *pulls out gun*
Crook 4: *pulls out gun*
Crook 5: *pulls out gun*
Gang leader: *in a totally re assuring voice* "you came to the right place, let me show you around"