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the sussiest communication platform

Discord in a nutshell: cummy cum sex sex sex

by Sophia_Cutie19 October 5, 2022


...where you can belong to a school club, a gaming group, or a worldwide art community. Where just you and a handful of friends can spend time together. A place that makes it easy to talk every day and hang out more often.

I use discord to talk to people

by EGGSGKSGSGSGSG September 12, 2021


Hi @Everyone,
New rule (and I can't believe I have to say this) please don't give birth in the voice channel. It makes people very uncomfortable.

Discord is for coomers and edgy 11 year olds

by MittensUB May 21, 2022


The best place to fuck with people who mess with you on roblox

xXgamercoolpanda69Xx: What the hell!1 yuo plae adop me! mic up, wats yo discord?

123LegendaryZebra27: Ok hol up

Those were 123LegendaryZebra27's last words.

by ARandomGuy96 January 24, 2021


a place filled with lack of parents inditivuals

Guy A: Want to hop on discord?
Guy B: Sure

There they encounter people with mental disabilities and a lack of parents


by syicide September 11, 2021


An app that ruins ppls lives plz don’t download it enjoy the life you have you se sad and brutal shit on that app and I’m a even a brutal person but I cannot handle that I suggest you skip that phase and instead go into the fnaf phase

Boy 1: hey I just downloaded discord
Boy 2: good luck lol
Boy 1: what you mean good luck..
Boy 2: you’ll see what I mean in a few months

*2 months pass by*

Boy 1: I see what you mean now.. that app ruined my life I don’t want to live anymore I fell in love and ppl were so mean why were they so mean I saw a girls head getting chopped off on that app wtf
Boy 1: hello…are you there

by Fifthteenthlitewolf2007 August 16, 2021


App for people who never socialize in real life, so they hop on discord to talk to some random people and start becoming weird. Discord destroy you bro.

Jason: Yo bro, that dude is so weird.

Markin: Yeah, he uses discord

Jason: bro got negative social skills

by Definitioer June 8, 2023