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Similar to hogging... E-Hogging is the act of (electronically) meeting women on the internet through various means such as dating sites, chat, craigslist etc...
You then proceed to meet them somewhere and bring them back to your place to shag. Then send them home and don't call them again.

CAUTION: Fat chicks are generally kinda clingy and want a steady relationship, So you may need to lie about your intentions to them. I.E.

"You're really special and I haven't felt this way in a long time."
"I think I'm falling in love with you."
"I want to get married and have children with you."

When in actuality what you're plans are:

"I'm going to have sex with you just because I haven't been laid in a while, but I have no actual intention of ever talking to you again."

"So dude, you been e-hogging lately?"

"Ya Bro, I met this fat bitch online and I raw dogged her in my wife's bed!"

Bro: "Dude, gross...but kinda sweet!"

by greenz0r November 14, 2008

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The disperse of marriage over the internet. Created when two people over the internet agree on marrying one another.


by Girlyyyy December 8, 2009

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A maybe that has been said a month too long so that it becomes obvious that the sayer is not interested in the offer but is too chicken to say NO.

"Did U ever hear back from last month's interview for the dream job?"
"No. I called the boss this morning & he says that he'll call me if he needs me & my rรฉsumรฉ is on file for 6 months."
"Sorry. What a junebe(e)!"

by PatBB April 6, 2006

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E Dog

AKA for the Cadillac Eldorado

Look at Richard Pulling up in his E Dog!

by Richard _ S March 5, 2009

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Stands for Elliot/Olivia, referring to the two main characters of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Over the nine years that Detectives Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson have been partners, they've built up an army of e/o shippers who are madly awaiting the day that the pair become romantically involved. This day WILL come before the series ends, otherwise Dick Wolf (the show's creator) is likely to be hunted down and killed by a mob of angry fans. Hopefully this day will include lots and lots of e/o sex, and possibly marriage and children in the not so distant future.

"did you notice the way that Elliot drank out of Olivia's glass of orange juice?"
"of course i did, any true e/o shipper would notice that first exchange of saliva between the sexiest detectives of all time... "
(Reference to episode "Stalked" from Season 1)

by FATCHINA August 25, 2008

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A website following the style and subject matter of a "zine." The "E" is e-zine stands for "electronic," similar to the e in e-mail. "Zine" derives from the word "magazine."

"Have you seen his e-zine? It's friggin awesome."

by David December 16, 2004

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E. A. D.

E. A. D. is an Acronym for "eat a dick."

I was in traffic and the car next to me was honking, trying to get infromt of me, so I told him to "E. A. D."

by Rob R. December 2, 2006

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