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Okay. Apparently no one even knows what emo is anymore. So let me straighten that out for you.

Emo is a genre of music. Yes music. It originated in the 80s with bands such as Gray Matter or Fire Party. There are several waves of emo. So no, Emo is not the kind of shit that you can find nowadays on any teenager dressed in black. It is not MCR. It is not FOB, and it is not Hawthorne Heights or Dashboard Confessionals either.

The term emo has been mutated and twisted into something that anyone should be ashamed to call themselves. Since when is it allright to mutilate yourself so that you may appear "cool" or fit a certain stereotype. Whatever that is, it is not emo.

The fact that emo is now a certain stereotype, makes me want to puke. No. What makes me want to puke is what being labeled as "emo" entails.

It's sick. It's just sick.

I hardly think there is such thing as 'emo' anymore.

by kaitlynz May 4, 2008

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Are sensitive young people.
oft times with a mental illness (ie. depression)
There are fakers ( who should be considered fuckers) but alot are real.
They tend to have mood swings and pleanty of them cut.

all of you who think emoes are stupid, gay, and worthless, you are asses and shall fall.

emo: I love you all... 5 min later, life is shit i want to die.
fakeemo: lets go cut togther guys
emo: go fuck yourself poser.

by emberxx1 August 14, 2009

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Teenager lucky enough to live in a place like America, but still deems their life to be sad and wrought with misfourtune. Better off than a grand majority of the world, but is somehow convinced they have a miserable existance. An idiot.

"That poor child is so emo..."

"Dude, he's a middle class American. He has nothing to be emo about."

"Oh. Fag."

"Not a fag, just a Douchebag"

by Pattyfleisc April 24, 2009

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There seems to be alot of people that know what there talking about. People that think we all dress in black and listen to My Chemical Romance, are full of bullshit. I'm emo... I will admit it. But I don't cut to solve all my problems, I'm actually trying to stop. I don't have black hair, my natural color is still dark brown, I haven't done one thing to my hair my entire life! I write poetry, but not all of it is sad. Actually most of it is relativily happy. Emo is short for "Emotional". All of you bastards who think that emo was a trend that was in the 1970's, are full of crap and you are trying to make yourselves look smart. This is the defaniition of Emo now and you are going to have to live with it!

Kid 1: Hey why are you Emo? You don't wear all black...

Emo Kid: Because I'm not a poser...

by kilala909 May 29, 2009

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is used to decribe a variety of persons who, in a sense, create their own self destruction. To their own demise they try to stay away from so called "pop culture" while forming their own "uniqueness". Unfortunately they all derive upon the same style, which leads to them all looking and acting the same way. Their absolute resentment towards mainstream media and culture froces a semi-subculture in which the aforementioned transduce themselves into a contained category. Altough previous definitions covered a wide variety of definitions, the typical emo character will prove to only show his/her "emoness" when cavorting with people or persons who agree with their own tastes and sentimental passions. Also you must listen to semi- coroded late 80's early 90's punk knock off bands.

"Hey that group of people look like emos because they all have a common lame taste in really shitty music that while trying to sound original and unique, end up sounding exactly the same."

by Robeye most September 24, 2006

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1. A person that hides hides his uncertanties, lack of self-confidence, lack of personality, and social ineptitude behind a label so that these qualities appear to be trendy, and make him/her more appealing to a like-minded person of the opposite sex.
2. A "lifestyle". This is actually false, as being Emo is not a lifestyle, it is simply an ambiguous label.
3. A trend that has unfortunately become popular, thanks to corporations and music labels pushing goods that relate to the Emo label.
4. Anything related to the above definitions.

Emo Kid: "My life is terrible. I am without love. Woe is me."

Normal Guy: "Yeah, your life is terrible, considering you live with your parents who provide you with everything you need, including an allowance so you can buy your stupid clothes and music. Why don't you go steal your sister's pants, write some shitty poetry, and take some poorly-lit, out-of-focus, extreme close-up pictures of yourself to post on your 'blog."

Emo Kid: "You just don't understand what it's like to be one of us!"

Normal Guy: "One of 'US'? You mean one of you people who play into a stupid trend, but somehow think that they are unique and interesting? What is there to understand?"

Emo Kid: *sniffle*.. "I'm gonna' go cut myself now...."

by phroot August 21, 2008

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The definition of what used to be someone who listens to "punk music with emotion", but now is a poser bitch, who wears tight black pants, all black clothes, usaully very skinny,has long pitch black hair that hangs in their face, have no social life so they look like vampires, and have very small dicks. they are often confused with goth people and they always complain about theyre lives and want to kill them selves, they listen to terrible music that sounds like nails on a chalkboard, and they are all pussies.

an emo is a little pussy with all black, who complains and looks like a girl, they like terrible music and are bitches.

by Sutishman June 22, 2011

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