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Nerf Gun

Something to shoot your brother with.

You just said another cuss word, you are getting shot with the nerf gun.

by Goombafucku June 16, 2020

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Cringe Gun

When something is so cringe you need a gun to commit suicide

Kid: Does fortnite dance
Guy: Where did i put my cringe gun

by Yaba Daba Doo! March 25, 2021

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Boxer shorts. (See also Gun).

The term is sometimes mistakenly used to describe a vagina.

"I can't stand up yet man, I've got a loaded weapon in my Gun-holster"

"I need to go to Primark to buy a Gun-holster"

"No you dick, that's not a Gun-holster, that's a quim"

by absolutejw January 23, 2010

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Top Gun

The high vantage point all school shooters go to get the most kills.

Better put more security at Top Gun

by Mr.sirr August 11, 2020

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cleaning the gun

Cleaning the gun is when a man grab another man dick a jacks it till it fires!!!!

My boy tony Is cleaning the gun like a mother!!!!

by Crooked dick willie February 27, 2016

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Shrax Guns

The dual Ranger guns from Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2, since they look like two little sharks.

noob: "Dood! Wut just wrecked me!?"

Me: "Me and my Shrax Guns, of course!"

by LeondaPeon December 21, 2010

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Pink gun

If someone has a pink gun, they are gay

Samuel is so fruty,

Yeah, I swear he has a pink gun

by BudLightBeer August 3, 2023

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