Typically in Call of Duty, the green guy is the dick who fools around and makes all of the teammates worse off. They often troll the team purposely, causing them grief and anger.
The green guy got me killed again.
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A "Boy-guy" is typically a term used by females to describe a male that they are interested in, or have a "thing" with.
female #1: "So hows your Boy-guy Savannah???"
female #2: " Oh! he's amazing!"
female #1: "I have a new Boy-guy!!!"
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tough guy, thug, gangster, bad or cruel person
"When Joe couldn't get Jack to pay up he called in the hard guys and Jack spent a couple of weeks in the hospital."
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To be bullied or made fun of because of your lack of intelligence and/or friends
Dude: Man you just got Guyed so hard right there! Imagine having no friends LOL loser.
Man: Get Guyed, retard.
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A stupid bastard from England who makes pointless threads about how much he wants to fuck fat chicks and how feminists are evil. Similar to Topcat in that he is a tool, but also has a cloying avatar. Considered a poster child for retroactive abortion.
Mew Guy, you're a faggot.
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When someone is of upstanding character and deserves more than "they are nice."
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A male who expects a female to accept his romantic advances simply because he is "nice," and is angered when she does not.
Possible causes for this phenomenon:
1.) He views romance as a prize he is entitled to, like his allowance, as long as he behaves himself.
2.) He thinks all women are the same dainty, smiling, flower-picking Disney princess, who want nothing more in a man than giant smiles, polite chit-chat, poetry readings, and doors held opened for them. He does not understand that women are individuals.
3.) He has a mental disability that encourages girls to put on a super-nice act around him, as they would around a child. He mistakes this for their real personality, and thinks they are really getting to know each other and clicking, when...no. (This one's pretty tragic, and no one's fault, really.)
4.) He's a really bad actor, so even girls who DO want a "nice, sensitive guy" can see right through his crap.
5.) He is a genuinely nice guy, but only goes for hot girls he has nothing in common with...while complaining that girls always go for the "wrong" guy.
6.) A closeted homosexual or transsexual, who has discovered how conveniently the "nice guy" motif can cover up his secret. ("I'm just not a man's man!") This can leave a bad impression on the girl, after she learns the truth. She may become so paranoid, that if the next guy she dates cheats on her with another woman, she may break into a joyful jig, exclaiming, "My boyfriend is straight!"
"I am so finished with dating nice guys! Next time a guy tries to pick me up in a sparkely blue prius, I'm not going on the date."
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