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Canadian History

A day of celebration in Canada honouring Celine Dion. Traditionally the celebrations are started by Wayne Gretzky taking a diarrhea poo into Celine Dions mouth while she attemps to sing the Canadian national anthem. At noon on this great day rabid tequila fed Bears, Cougars, Moose, and Beavers are then set loose by the thousands in downtown Toronto to rape, kill, and eat whatever they please. Celebrations are concluded by Avril Lavigne finger banging a Canadian Goose to orgasm while Wayne Gretzky in turn fornicates her with a golden jewel encrusted hockey stick.

"Dude did you watch Canadian History? The viscosity of Wayne Gretzky's diarhea poo this year was amazing!"

by Fanatana817 February 20, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canada's history

Eating the feces of someone who has consumed a large quantity of Canadian whiskey.

My date and I got really drunk on Glen Breton Rare last night. We eventually ended up in the sack and she let me taste a bit of Canada's history.

by rorytony February 5, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

History Text Book

The symbolic name on the street for cash - money.

Ive got the history text book, now pass me the Pencil (street name for LSD) see Defintion of Pencil

by Jamal Walker September 18, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black History Month

A month when non-black people are reminded that Black people aren't unproductive. We're black everyday. Besides, technically everyone in the world is black since civilization started in West Africa and spread across the globe before the continents broke apart. Stop being racist because we're all black anyway. Gosh

Black History Month Fun Fact: You wouldn't even know this, but Dwayne Mc Duffie, a black animator created Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Ben 10.

by Awesomegurl5450 February 23, 2015

19๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

Disc Sports History (Frisbee)

1970's Frisbee Becomes a Sport

Guts, Ultimate, Freestyle, Golf, Distance, Accuracy, MTA, Self Caught Flight, Discathon and Double Disc Court became this sports first events.

There are certain people that stand out when acknowledging who laid the ground work for the transition of playing with the Frisbee as a toy to disc sports. The Healy family (Guts), Tom Kennedy (Ultimate and UPA), Ken Westerfield (Utimate, Freestyle and Canadian Open), Jim Kenner (Freestyle and Canadian Open), Dave Marinni (FPA), Jim Palmeri (AFDO), Tom Schot (Santa Cruz Tournaments), Dan Roddick ( IFA and WFDF), Ed Headrick (Whamo and Disc Golf), Joel Silver (Ultimate). These are people that not only excelled with the Frisbee when it was still considered a toy, but help create the formats and concepts through their own tournaments and or organizations that produced the events and organization of disc sports we see today.

The Canadian Open Frisbee Championships, Toronto Canada (the beginning of Freestyle Competition), American Flying Disc Open (AFDO), Rochester, NY, Octad, New Jersey, International Frisbee Tournament (IFT), Marquette, MI, Santa Cruz Flying Disc Classic, Santa Cruz, California, and the World Frisbee Championships (WFC), held at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, were the most progressive and trend setting tournaments of that time. These tournaments are where the sport of Frisbee ( disc sports ) really began.

Disc Sports History (Frisbee) are documented in
FPA Freestyle Players Association, also in several articles on Wikipedia.

by Frisbee Sports July 26, 2012

163๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Epic Rap Battles of History

n: A compilation of rap battles done by famous (or infamous) individuals, examples include Adolf Hitler vs Darth Vader, Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking, and Abe Lincoln vs Chuck Norris. The individuals performing the battles usually have one thing in common, or one thing completely contradictory to one another.

Announcer: Epic Rap Battles of History: Benjamin Franklin VS Billy Mays BEGIN
Benjamin Franklin: I'm Big Ben Franklin and this shan't be pretty
Let me instruct you how we battle in the City of Philly
You couldn't sell Rick James a bag of crack, you're out of practice.
My victory's more certain than death or taxes.
Fact is, you're a hack whack QVC joke
You peddle soap, that cleans bird shit from my windows.
I'll craft a lyrical coffin then spit the nails in
Call me Arthur Miller son, cuz It's death of a salseman.
Billy Mays: Hi Billy Mays here with a special TV offer
Watch me crush this bald fat foppish founding father
I'll take my awesome auger, and sow your quaker oats
I'll shoot your rhymes down like a regiment of raincoats
I'm lord of the pitch, and leader in home sales.
You're just a lumpy pumpkin who invented the mail.
Benny's got kite'n key, but you're in for a shock
When I strike you with bolts from my lightning rod cock!

by I Palindrome I June 30, 2011

366๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black History Month

A month when non-black people are reminded that Black people aren't unproductive. We're black everyday. Besides, technically everyone in the world is black since civilization started in West Africa and spread across the globe before the continents broke apart. Stop being racist because we're all black anyway. Gosh

Black History Month Fun Fact: You wouldn't even know this, but Dwayne Mc Duffie, a black animator created Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Ben 10.

by Awesomegurl5450 February 23, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž