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Closet Neo-Nazi

A person who is secretly a neo-nazi who perfectly blends with apolitical people or anyone. They use burner accounts to troll SJWs and anyone they oppose.

How do you identify a Closet Neo-Nazi? Ironic memes and shitposts. (May not be guaranteed)

by Ronald Lee November 7, 2023

becoming less closeted

Someone who is 'becoming less closeted' exhibits certain behaviors.

Although such a person is still closeted (by definition) any individual who is subject to such behavior can be reassured that their associate or peer is in fact ‘becoming less closeted’.

The most apparent circumstance wherein an absolute lack of irrefutability persists by accord to what is within association to an individual's will to ‘become less closeted’ takes place when a person who is ‘becoming less closeted’ engages another individual with a private message on any social networking site and then proceeds to block the recipient.

This is a sure sign that the sender is ‘becoming less closeted’.

Note: If the final message before the act of ‘blocking’ contains a ‘laugh cry emoji’ then there ought to be no uncertainty that the transmitter is doing their very best and putting forth their very best effort within a pursuit to ‘become less closeted’.

Hey, guess what? Walter Mercado slipped into my DM’s and then blocked me immediately afterward.

It appears he is ‘becoming less closeted’. Good for him.

I think I’ll screenshot his activities and post them in the group we share along with a definition of what it means to ‘become less closeted’.

by Sir H.C. Notneb April 14, 2023

Closet Poker

A man who plays Pokemon go in secret. Typically gay men with beards, and they are normally outdoors or sports type men. They can be spotted by their social media post denouncing Pokemon go, but secretly loving it.

Jesse is always dogging Pokemon Go on social medi, and I bet he's a Closet Poker who secretly loves men and Pokemon.

by Kenziel2323 August 2, 2016

Closet Escaper

Person who successfully accepted that they're gay or successfully escaped Narnia.

Did you hear about Colton? He's finally came out! He's a closet escaper!

by Cheeseburger69 December 9, 2015

closet fuccboi

1. A fuccboi who hasn't realised his identity yet, but will become a fuccboi as soon as he gets a chance
2. A fuccboi who hides his identity from his close friends in order to get close to their friends and perform fuccboikery on them.
3. Somebody who orders iced chocolate at Starbucks, which makes him seem sweet and nice but he will use this fact to get innocent sweet-toothed girls

Riva: "Toby, I have a friend who'd be the perfect girl for you."
Simon: "Me too, me too!"
Riva: "No. Simon is very attractive but he's a closet fuccboi."
Simon: "I am not a closet fuccboi!!"
Riva: "Well, your Starbucks order says otherwise."

by lovehandle00 November 24, 2018

Glass Closet

A glass closet is someone who is gay but claims they are straight, they will not come out of the closet, but it does not matter, because you can see that they are gay.

Or a closet that is see through due to it being made of glass.

Ex 1 - Person:
Gabe: Dude, you are such a glass closet.
Andy: Dude! I swear I'm not gay!

Ex 2 - Actual Closet:
Gabe: You can see the clothes without even opening this closet, that's so cool.
Andy: Yeah because its made of glass idiot.

by lying on yo dead mama February 5, 2024

Glass Closet

A glass closet is a person or character who is gay but pretends to be straight, meaning they won't come out of the closet, but it does not matter, because its painfully obvious they are gay.

Or a closet that is see through due to it being made with glass panes.

Ex 1 - Person:
Gabe: Dude, you are such a glass closet.
Andy: Dude I swear I'm not gay!

Ex 2 - Actual closet:
Andy: Hey look at this glass closet you can see through it!
Gabe: Wow, this glass closet it so cool, I want one.

by lying on yo dead mama February 4, 2024