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mexican shower

A quick cleansing of the face and armpits.

Cleaning of the face and armpits in an environment where water is limited.

by Chris Wheeler June 30, 2003

74๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby shower

(V.) To ejaculate on a person's face.

"Did you bang that girl last night?!" "Dude no, but I totally gave her a baby shower!" *high fives*

by theneverbird July 13, 2012

21๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

arabic shower

A person, usually arabic, who choses to douse themselves in cologne instead of taking a shower, can often be smelled from a great distance.

Have you talked to Muhammad today? It smells like he took another arabic shower

by C!KS March 24, 2007

35๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Shower

When a guy is in the shower and masturbates to relieve his sexual frustration.

(cleanest way ever...)

(Over the Phone)
Jessica: "Boy you were in there for quite some time?"

Rick: "Yeah well i had to take a Cold Shower, because you were away in New York"

Jessica: "Are you really that horny?"

Rick: "Yeahhh"

by coxSWAIN44 June 17, 2011

311๐Ÿ‘ 393๐Ÿ‘Ž

indian shower

A less time consuming alternative to literal showering (with soap and water) in which you shower yourself entirely in body spray deoderant. This is often done by smokers to quickly hide the aroma of whatever it is they were smoking.

The term comes from the racist belief that Natives are dirty, lazy, druggies.

"Oh shit, Mom's home! Quick, hide the gas and we'll take an indian shower!"

"Dude, you smell fucking terrible. Take this can of Axe to the bathroom and give yourself an indian shower."

by Saint Diamond August 17, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Portuguese shower

Instead of taking a shower one merely masks their smell by drenching their body in deodorant and cologne. Commonly done at festivals or other occassions where sanitation is not present.

Dude, a Portuguese shower isn't going to help when you're covered in pig shit.

by onetoughcop July 11, 2006

119๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canadian shower

The act of voluntarily showering in very water cold water. This is easily achievable in the winter time in Canada due to the cold pipes in ones house. Can be done in two ways"

1. (Intermediate level): Turning on the shower normally, waiting for the water to get hot, and the turn the temperature all the way down until water is freezing for a few seconds, resulting in intense pain, before returning to normal temperature. Repeat as needed

2. (Pro level) Turning on the shower normally, waiting for the water to get hot, and the turn the temperature all the way down until water is freezing, SLOWLY bringing the temperature back to normal.

This will result in a vivid awaken sensation.

Guy 1: Dude, i felt fucking groggy and tired this morning, but I took a Canadian shower, I'm feel primo right now.

Guy 2: That's pretty cool, eh.

by coolcanuck December 11, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž