A casual hookup you meet at an airport or on an airplane. But not at baggage claim.
I got some sky duck on my flight to Knoxville. He was wearing crocs and I got the side eye from the stewardess the rest of the trip.
The Moon early in the morning lololol
God look at that Sky Nipple
When you are stoned and to for A snowboard jump
-You heard John broke his arm when he hit the sky
When SkyWarped33 does something that doesn't make sense, but makes perfect sense to him.
Xend: Wait, why did you cover your hands entirely with hot glue?
Sky: Sky Logic
Atomic: But that doesn't make any sense!
Sky: It does with Sky Logic
when it rains so hard, that it seems like the sky is downloading to Earth.
RHCP stopped playing after only 1 hour and 20 minutes because of the sky download.
Its a helicopter (this was made up by the dooo, a YouTube in the video : we committed war crimes and its actually funny)
What's that over there?? ITS A SKY BOAT!!!
A pilot angry at another pilot may engage in sky rage, often includes profanity and inappropriate gestures
A United Airlines pilot flipped off a general aviation aircraft as it cut them off on final both pilots were guilty of engaging in sky rage