debate mfs after they lose a round and when the judge is giving feedback they look like one of them goombas from mario bros
bro, that team USA kid went total goomba mode after that judge screw
The way you piss after you just finished jacking off
"Man, I just jizzed. I have to go piss. BRB."
"Dude, you're gonna go shotgun mode all over"
*Pisses all over toilet*
The undeniable urge to do a dab as soon as is possible.
When one is ready to do a dab and wants to do nothing else until a dab has been done he or she is in dab-mode.
is when your friends are crazy and doing or saying some weird or legit stuff
“ Amya on xgang modebecause she fell in the mud.”
The Albanian version of „Sicko Mode“. The peek level of degenerative behaviour.
Look Sokol is eating glue again, he has gone full sakat mode
Albanian version of „Sicko Mode“ - peek level of mental degeneracy
Look, Sokol is eating glue , he went full Sakat Mode
An automatic reflex of the human brain that makes you forget everything you have previously known the moment you actually need it.
Some things that trigger delete mode are:
a) being on stage
b) being in the presence of a very attractive person
c) taking a very important test
"I can't believe I forgot the lyrics to my song at the talent show! I swear I knew every single word of it, but when I was supposed to actually sing it my brain went on delete mode!"