๐๐ป Got you!
I did this (๐๐ป) and got my friend using the ok emoji.
A word you use when you are talking to someone and you don't want to talk to them anymore.
Friend: HEY! Do you want to have an emoji war?
You: ok
You IRL: UUUUGGGHHH NO I HATE EMOJI WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the word you use to tell people that everything is fine but your life is actually a piece of shit and nobody understands
random person 1- "hey man, how are you?"
random person 2- "im ok"
Ok means agreeing with something or a opinion made by the person.
Danna, Hey, wanna grab something?
Hena' Ok.
What you say when somebody has asked you to do something or when somebody needs to let you know something important and you confirm you have read their message.
Luckily for everybody, "Ok" is now being used by the snowflakes and cranky shitstains of our world in OTHER ways.
When you don't really give a shit about something that somebody said, but you ALSO really need to make sure they know about your royal opinion of what they said. Like you shouldn't even ignore what they said OR even possibly help them out by saying "dude i'm sorry but you gotta stop with that". You need to leave a bad taste in their mouth with a firm "Ok".
When you want to avoid an argument with some dumbass. "Ok" is actually very effective and pretty useful is cases where you need to avoid an online argument and possibly irl.
Angry snowflake bitches being angry snowflake bitches.
When somebody asks you to finish a chore or needs to let you know something important and you just be a homie and let em know you got their message. This SHOULD be the only definition here.
Me:*sends a meme or makes a joke*
Friend: Ok
Some idiot online: "Hey man you play like a 5 year old I hate trash that play like you blahblahblah"
me: Ok
me: "hey bae I just wanna let you know you're the best and I love you and I wanna give you a tesla, a mansion, and the entire microsoft brand"
Angry snowflake bitches: Ok
Dad: "Hey finish vacuuming before 3" or "hey i'm gonna be home soon"
me:oh ok