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Political Retard

The kind of people who say or make stupid nicknames for political figures and think they are actually funny.
Example: Shillary, Trudope, Drumpf, Obama bin Laden, Libratard, Cuckservative

Person 1: Man i can't wait for Drumpf to be impeached.
Person 2: Shut the fuck up you political retard!

Person A: Did you hear what Trudope said to a veteran that lost his leg in Afghanistan?
Person B: fuck off with that Trudope shit you political retard. Use their proper fucking name!

by My Names Not Pachinko February 8, 2018

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retard privledges

When a fully retarted person gets away with something, usually in school, that the average joes would be eaten alive for. It also unfairly and somewhat commonly applis to add/adhd kids. Take your fucking Ritalin. Or die. Or eat shit. Just kiddin ya bunch a tards. Also know as rp, when banned from being said. This may be considered taboo, but don't whine 'cause. it's true.

"Nathan, be quiet."

by Niloc February 21, 2005

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King Retard

Some one who is retarded, but is so retarded that they are seen to be cool by everyone else.

That guy is such a king retard! Everyone loves him!

by Fairey May 25, 2008

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retard happy

Being extremely happy, more happy than the norm, happy like a retarted person (flapping of the hands etc)

man i got laid last night
shieet you must be retard happy

by mithereal January 9, 2008

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Captain Retard

See--> George W Bush or Dubya

Still the current president (as of 01/11/09) of the unwitting states of America (his doing).

Makes "bold and decisive leadership" decisions in the wrong F*$king direction, every dammed time (when he's not taking a vacation).

I see Captain Retard was making another "speech" on CNN today. Only watched it to see how much the S&P & Dow stock tickers would go down while he was talking, yet again.... Cuz he's the decider.

by Pat Lamusga January 11, 2009

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Retarded Horse

A two legged retarded animal.

A chicken-like animal but retarded. Retarded horse that is it.

by Retarded Horse Lover December 31, 2011

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viciously retarded

Synonym for "Cool" or "Awesome", with origons tracked back to Fort Collins, CO from the types of mentally handicapped people that flail arms wildly and scream loudly, which is pretty awesome.

Bruce: Man, last night was viciously retarded! Especially when I found $50.00!
Ted: Yeah, we will have to go out again soon!

by David J. Hansen September 22, 2006

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