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blowhole (whale)

A large mammal that outdraws others in poker.

Your friend plays poker often. Unfortunately he makes horrible decisions that work out for him. This friend may have a birthmark on his bald head that looks like a blowhole (whale.) When he outdraws you on the river with the one card in the deck to hit a straight flush, you've been blow-holed.

You rivered me again! You blowhole (whale)!

by Rafael Martinez October 24, 2006

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Texas Whale

A landborne whale, survives off of fast food and lethargic-ness...a lumbering giant that when angered can squish anything smaller than it.

Mel Gibson: I was in Austin, Texas the other day and I saw what had to be the worlds largest human.
Brad Pitt: Thats not a human dude, thats a real life Texas Whale, the only reason there named Texas Whale's though is because everything is bigger in Texas.
Mel: Oh i see...so that fat ass ho at the mall the other day was a Texas Whale too?
Brad: Yep...

by Adeipho83709 June 25, 2010

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whale blowing

Verb. The act of inserting a funnel into the rectum, and having one's partner scream into said funnel. The vibrations from the scream will stimulate the ass, and prostate.

"My girlfriend sounds like golem today after whale blowing me for two hours last night"

by Orbitalproject September 23, 2013

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Golden whale

A clothing company from new jersey
popular in winslow and williamstown particularly

you man i was wearing jeans a golden whale last night lookin fly

by Tamer abouras March 18, 2008

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air whale

an obese person who says they eat very little but never lose weight because in reality they are eating high calorie foods like potato chips,candy and 2 liters of regular soda a day

"But Dr. I only eat 800 calories a day-- why can't I lose weight? I've never been this heavy in my life"

DR.: "You aren't heavy your'e morbidly obese at 5'1" and 450 lbs. I think you are an air whale"

by CrazyDoc J .5 February 9, 2009

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whale shark triggered

Reaching the level of annoyance when someone says a whale shark is a shark when it is, in fact, a fish

Mundo is whale shark triggered.

by Whale shark triggered October 1, 2017

Fly like a whale

Meaning: To attempt or accomplish something even against impossible odds.

James: Good luck on your finals test! Fly like a whale!
John: Thanks!

by Dragniw February 24, 2014