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Layjon Bae

He’s the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet.. occasionally he can be a lot but for the most part he’s adorable. He will never fail to make you laugh. He’s always willing to play games with you. He’s just overall the kindest person on the face of the earth. If you know a boy named layjon treat him right and know that you are the luckiest person in the world!

Rando: hey look it’s layjon!
You: omg.. he’s coming this way??
Layjon Bae : hey ladies *muah*

by Cool roblox dude June 30, 2021

Jack bae

Big dick

I have a jack bae = I have a big dick

by Lengscious May 11, 2017


When you're in a messy situation with bae. Can be used when you and bae are fighting, bae is seeing another person, etc.

Bae: *flirts with dat bitch*
Girl 1: OMG, wtf is wrong with bae?????
Girls 2, 3, and 4: OMG!!!!! ______ is cheating on his GF!!!!!!
You: Gosh darn it, bae is SUCH an a-hole.

Girl 2: Oh my gosh I feel so bad for you!
Girl 1: Cheating boyfriend? Girl, you got yourself a real situ-bae-tion.

by think on it September 12, 2017

rey bae

literal goddess.
she's a fan of spit and pee !!


person 1 : wow i wish i was a cool furry like rey bae
person 2 : yeah too bad youre not a cool furry like rey bae. you're also disgusting.
person 1 : oh
person 2 : yeah i'm dumping you for rey bae

by pisspole May 14, 2022

jenna bae

Super sexy, hot, Jewish girl who makes me cum. Jenna bae is so hot that she actually melts your first layer of skin so you need to make sure that you wear protective gear before getting close 🥵🥵 she’s also so funny that she makes you sound like a really uncool loser of a person. Jenna bae makes me so horny that it actually hurts my vagina from throbbing so much that I needed to go to a doctor. If you fall in love with Jenna bae then watch out bc im gonna find you and murder you and your family bc she is mine!!

Omg Jenna bae you’re making me cum!! *moans loudly*

by Oatmeal_is_Horny November 23, 2021


1) A Bae-Cow is a very big honor to call your girlfriend. By calling her "Bae-Cow" , making cow jokes about her and saying the word/sound "moo" very loudly in any word you say you are actually showing your affection in the greatest way possible.

2) Type of Onion

Boyfriend: "I think it's time to milk my Bae-Cow."
Girlfriend: "Moooo"

by AnyasPrettyFuckingCute March 22, 2018

vacay bae

That short fling you have during a vacation

Here's a picture of my vacay bae. Isn't he so hot!?

by aisey April 12, 2017