tomma-lamma-ding-dong is a another name for Thomas sanders given to him by a father and a prince.
"i called for tomma-lamma-ding-dong" Patton said
I wanted to pleasure myself in the shower, but couldn't find my self cling ding.
Popularised by Ollie ball and his friend Jacob, this word is perfect response when reviewing something or it’s so awkward there’s nothing to say
Attie: my boy best friend is coming over, but i promise nothing will happen
Dan: that’s a proper ding dang do
Ding the dong means just jacking off. The term is from the word ,,ding dong" meaning penis. When you are dinging the dong, you are just masturbating.
Dood1: My bitch dang my dong yesterday
Dood2: great to hear that homie, I actually haven't dinged my dong in about a week, but when I will do the schlonging elonging, I will definitely watch some twitch thots for sure.
Dood1: Then I wish you that when you will ding the dong, you will nut so good, you'll be fucking dead.
The PG word for sex. “Ding-dong” is for dick, while “kitty” is for pussy.
“Yo! I just had sex!”
“Hey dude, my baby sister is here, cool it.”
“My bad. I just had a ding-dong kitty!”