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TTV Killer

A TTV Killer is a Killer main in Dead By Daylight, whose name suggests they stream on Twitch.TV . There are 2 Types of TTV Killers. The friendly killers, who will still kill you but are chill about it. And the Sneaky Bastards who play the legion, doctor, Ghost face, Myers E.c.t

"Of course he's a TTV Ghostface. Why wouldn't he!?"
"Ok... that TTV killer was Quite cool."

by Dunny licker May 9, 2023

Cowboy Killer

A complete redneck who doesn't do cowboy stuff but still does stuff in the mud and dirt and goes boating. And smokes a marlboro cigarette for a different reason.

Man what a Cowboy Killer, Redneck knocked out that cowboy.

by DoomShade July 17, 2024

Killer feature

A really awesome feature that makes a product stand out from the competitor's products.

A killer feature of PureTools. This ingenious device is three products in one.

by PureKnowldege December 27, 2017


Vine is a video sharing site. Vine has a six second limit and work on with Twitter has a 140 character limit.

Killer which means is when he is outdone by its competitor in the same industry businesses.

Hey Joe INSTAGRAM is potential Vine-killer ?

Joe respond : No, Instagram will not kill Vine. People who like Vine and Twitter a lot will use that.

by perfeitoan October 18, 2013

Killer whale

Killer whale is another name for a fat cunt called kyan he got his name as the killer whale when he had a girlfriend that was 6 years old named Caitlin she wanted him to sit on her face and so he did spreading his cheeks and engulfing her entire head she started screaming as she couldn't breathe but the killer whale couldn't hear because he is such a fat cunt and she started getting sucked into his ass to this day she has not been seen

Oh did you hear about the killer whale yeah that fat cunt ate a girl through his ass

by Jewdrop crop top August 7, 2018

call killer

The oxxx that threatens only by telephone is the opposite of a call killer,
A dangerous woman does it not, yet blows a thousand and kills men in meetings in da face

“Your last sells have been true hustle, sure deal! I’mma croak someone for one more client.” Jenny is a call killer

by Doomsday baby March 7, 2021

Killer kemp

Jacob is a very tall and good looking lad that will tower over u all the time. He's also very good at playing football mainly playing in goal and he is unstoppable. Jacob is also a very kind and caring person when he wants to be but he is known as killer kemp for many reasons

Oh look it's killer kemp, that tall prick

by Killer kemp October 9, 2019