When a white female is orally pleasuring a man's penis
"Yo, man, I saw that bitch at the party, and she gave me Vanilla Dome! The shit was epic! No teeth!"
The third location in Super Mario World, but also a term that can refer to a place filled with only white people.
Randy: Wow, there are no blacks here in Burger King.
Dick: Yeah. This is a Vanilla Dome.
Randy: I get that reference.
The pocket rocket thunder dome is a sexual move in which you let your girl friend sit on your friends lap whilst massaging her *AHEM* once she starts to get really loud you let your friend have his way with her,until she passes out,after that you let her sleep in her own puddle of fluids whilst you take out a condom and blow it up to look like a rocket and piss in it,then shove it deep inside her and burst it
Friend:dude your gf looks super tired and worn out
Prtd guy:oh yea,we tried out a new sex move called pocket rocket thunder dome,and she loved it,best move out there
Asking a person if they hate/dislike you, when they are obviously cool with you
" Are You Mad At Me?"
" Stop Doming out"
When one pulls their scrotum over their penis, as to make themselves smooth like a ken doll.
A person who does this is a 'domer'.
Bob is a massive domer, he just cant stop domeing.
When you fight someone by hitting them in the head with your elbows.
Joe, I was boxin dis dude da oda day and i totally gave him 'bout 5 bows to da dome.
describes an intense session of getting head from your girlfriend
dude, i just got mondo dome from my girl, i can barely move.