When the girls vagina squirts so much asif a whale was spraying from its blow hole.
Bro I heard you went whale watching yesterday
Watching fat people swim in the water.
I went whale watching at The public pool.
When you can see each sperm cell directly in front of your eyes from a facial.
"Bruh, me and my girl went Whale watching yesterday!" "You AND your girl?!"
The sport of watching a fatty go from being hideous to gorgeous in the space of 10 pints
Donz "Dim you going whale watching again tonight?"
Dim "Enough talk lads Kim is giving me the eye" downs pint number 6
Veitch "wahheyy enjoy the whale watching"
Jack "Don't forget the harpoon"
Don't fuck with me, don't fuck with them.
"Fuck you bitches"
"Watch who you up yo"
(when the dude is on to someone else)
"Fuck You asshole"
"Watch who you up, he's with me"
Always looking for the next best person, once you have someone already.
She already has a great guy, but she always be watching the door to see who comes in next.
A slang word telling someone to watch out for danger or pranks
Before I shot Jackson with a water gun, I yelled: "Hey Jackson! Watch yo jet, cuh!"
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