Love doesn't always mean "I wanna marry this person". Love comes from deep within. If you "love" someone you can't be like "Oh I hate how they walk" you shouldn't have the thought of hate or dislike when it comes to anything they do/are. Love is accepting someone for who/what they are/aren't.
An example of someone who *wants* to love,
John: Hey Liv will you marry me?
Liv: No John I will not marry you.
*Hour later*
John: I hate Liv she was a fake she never wanted to marry me
If you love someone even if they reject you nothing about them has changed everything you loved/liked/enjoyed about their being/existence is still their, Just because they rejected you doesn't mean they changed.
Love is forever it doesn't stop no matter what happens.
I Love every bit of him today, tomorrow, and till the end of time.
The word used to describe ones serious affection to another. In many cases the feeling is mutual. But alas love is not for everyone I suppose.
You love me and i know it.- God
Is a hamster with big cheeks and he is Liams hamster. He also eats a lots of meat.