The sensation one feels when one’s partner too eagerly rams his dick in their ass without allowing sufficient time to prepare.
Miguel needs to learn how to top. He just threw it in last night and it felt like someone shoved a hot curling iron up my ass. I've still got Hot Curling Iron Syndrome.
Inserting your feces into someone else’s anus, using your hand or tongue
I thought I was going to get a rim job, but that sicko gave me a hot avocado instead!
After having a large meal you and your partner engage in anal sex. He ejaculates inside and you turn around shit the contents into his open mouth.
This is an extension to the hot carl and\or a hot lunch.
My boyfriend and I just spent a few hours at Golden Coral, he wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom and insisted we had a “Hot Ryan”. After he loaded my ass with his cum I sat over his mouth and pushed everything out.
When a man recites the Torah while giving a female a facial.
Joseph gave Sarah a Hot Jewish during Passover.
Licking the shit off someone's chest.
My man did a Hot enrique on me.
When you drop your hot steamy load on your closet friend while they sleep to get them wide awake and ready for the day
My friend was having a hard time getting out of bed this morning so I had to give him a hot steamy expresso