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Stupid, ugly dumb bitch who has the cutest girlfriend

I am ohe that’s my name

by Stupidbitch376782 May 29, 2020

5👍 5👎


another one of lauren’s words, she uses it a lot in reaction to weird or shocking things

*olivia sends FOFM to the GC*
lauren: oH

by hellomotherfuckerssss August 19, 2018


sorry didn't mean to

oh nvm

by Pieceofshit43 May 6, 2020


EVERYONE over looks this word, or tends to overuse it.

1.Oh means to begin something. Or to end. Like -oh, she really did mean that that way!

Or -is that what she meant, oh.

2. Oh means to silence the conversation, so u can finish ordering that burrito, or to start a rant, because that burrito needs that extra cheese even if it costs u an extra $1.50

3. oh means, life ..... it means life

"Oh my..."

by Hello:) smile:)laugh:) January 24, 2018


The word that wears a million hats. In every language, the word: Oh, carries an infinite amount of meanings. When using Oh, the limit is your imagination.


by Will Oh November 30, 2021


oh but with a dot

person a: hey dont keep ur dms open to everyone pedophiles will dm u
person b: i finess them
person a: oh.

by there's pasta in my eyeball September 29, 2020

oh no

when something is bad

oh no you broke my car!!

by March 24, 2021