a blanket term used in a sentence to associate a stereotype with a large group of people without it being obvious
never trust a woman with a round neck
Biggest red flag I look for in a woman? A round neck.
This is a term used to describe a idea or question that makes you think deeply about the subject.
Also a synonym for the phrase “Makes you think”
Jaack - “oooh the universe is pretty particular in certain ways”
Robbie - “Round sheep”
an act of benevolence when one gifts a person or group a glass of water during rounds of heavy drinking
After four hours of celebrating Matt and Melanie's engagement with a series of tequila shots and beers, Stephanie thought it might be nice to treat her friends to a rinse round to even them out and prolong the night.
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Slang used by Asians to describe the white man or Americans.
You want sweet & sour pork? Silly round-eye!
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1. To have sex with the same person multiple times in the same day.
2. To have sex with multiple partners at the same time and taking turns with everyone.
Man, my neighbors were going rounds last night til 3 am.
Did you hear about that crazy orgy last night? I heard that they were all going rounds on each other.
20👍 4👎
A college student who failed a class, has to retake it for a better score, and because they've had it before either try to act like the teachers pet or as if they already have all the answers.
They usually are wrong and are typically viewed as a loud-mouth know-it-all who knows nothing otherwise they wouldn't have to take it again.
Often times NOT the person you want helping you with your coursework because they were failures in the first place.
Started at Pikes Peak Community College & University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in 2010.
Round 2: "The civil war was in 1940!"
Professor: "That is incorrect."
Classmate: "Riiiiight, nice going there Round 2."
Round 2: "I took this class last semester, it's really easy."
You: "Then what the heck are you doing here? Nice work Round Two. You're a real winner."
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A catchy song by Flo Rida that's secretly about Oral sex.
"You spin my HEAD right round when you GO DOWN "
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