Source Code

Left kidney

I have your left kidney Logan

Logan: Give me my left Kidney
Me: No

by I Have your Kidneys Logan December 22, 2021

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kidney killer

When you mix an energy drink, alcohol, & sport drink together in one; It hurts your kidneys.

"Damn! That Kidney Killer fucked me up last night!"

by xXRain_LithiumXx January 2, 2016

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Kidney Dimples

Kidney Dimples is a term used to describe someone who is in a state of arrogance and is oblivious to his or her own nonsense. The phrase routes back to 2006 when someone wrongly defined back dimples as kidney dimples and also stated that everyone had them when they are in fact genetic.

Larry went kidney dimples the other day when he started rambling on how he thought the actor who played Frances on Malcolm in the Middle was Neil Patrick Harris, even though we told him it wasn't true.

by WinifriedPaulletta November 3, 2013

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Kidney Muncher

That one guy that just always wants to munch on your kidneys.

โ€œGuy 1: Hey man how ya doing? Guy 2: how about I just munch on your kidneys?! Guy 1: go away you kidney muncher!โ€

by Quong Foo October 22, 2020

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kidney fucker

A person or thing that cuts a hole near a kidney then has sex with it.

Some doctors are such kidney fuckers.

by Kidney Fucker January 21, 2004

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tappin' kidneys

is the act of fucking the shit out of a girl, or going to be in the future.

Damn, I am going to be tappin' those kidneys tonight.

I was tappin' kidneys last night!

by joe suck me off February 8, 2006

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kidney rape

Refering to when, in a video game, one is being attacked from behind in an unfair manner. Usually constantly.

Holy ass bandit, I just got kidney raped by that other team!!!111one!1!11!!

by Mister Sir June 10, 2006

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