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Epe is an exclamation that can have many meanings.

All this meanings are depending on the context of the sentence (obviusly)

Epe yes (yes, ofcourse)
EPE YES (fuck, ofcourse)
Epe (well, yes)

by Chiloooo October 24, 2020


A term coined in 2021 by PLYGM company to describe persons who are the best esport's players.

"They are the epes lol team in the world . "

by Auto Attack September 26, 2022


Enrabado Por Entaladelas

O Daniel é EPE

by Danny Silva - dannymaluco November 14, 2017


Bare jarrin also known for hopping fences

You remind me of ep

by Open books October 18, 2020


An abbreviation for either episode or entitled parent also called karen or bitch

Omg look at that Ep acting all entitled to that sales woman e

by KrocH fruit is delicious May 27, 2019


Group containing glizzy gobbler, ohio lolicon, stormiant, vladimir oleksandr, kush johnson
no longer fucking up that nigga meramid

Glizzy: EP no longer fucking up that nigga meramie
Storm: Yeah he DOESN'T live in louny tunes town

by Stormiant November 28, 2022


EP in music stands for Extended Play. An EP is a medium-length album that has a fewer number of songs than a studio album, usually 4 to 6 songs long. This definition strays far away from its original one. Back in the 20th Century, an EP, or Extended Play Record, referred to a type of vinyl record that was played at a different speed than the standard play records (SPs and LPs).

Music Gateway has actually written an in-depth article on what an EP is which I found very useful!

Miley Cyrus has just released a new EP! Can't wait to listen to it.

by All About Music June 27, 2019