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s.w.a.g = secretely we are gay

X: That's so swag

by Kaz00 April 17, 2022

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


It is literally just a sack on a stick that Australian bogans used to use. Everyone thinks that it means cool. It doesn't mean cool. It has been taken so damn out of context that it is infuriating! And no, it does NOT mean 'secretly we are gay'. Other CORRECT meaning of this word are the loot of a thief, poor quality weed and to sway from side to side. Incorrect use includes:

"I am so damn swag"
"You have no swag"
"I am the swagganator"
You, idiots, are literally calling yourselves a handkerchief on a stick. Correct use is
"I saw that homeless person carrying clothing in his swag"

by Paixx May 12, 2015

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n. 1. Scientific Wild Ass Guess. 2. opinions, or judgements, about something with less evidence than would make the opinon certain, but more than a simple opinion with no factual basis. -v. 3. making a guess with some information, but not enough to make a clear and certain determination.

SWAG it, sir, we need a decision.

by tnkr111 December 21, 2005

479πŸ‘ 483πŸ‘Ž


A word to define someone who is gay, but does not realize it themselves or has made aware of it to the public. Swag as an acronym spells out "Secretly We Are Gay".

The guy giving the other guy a blowjob and saying that he is not gay is such a swag.

Stranger: Yo, check out ma swag nigga!
Mike: Yep, go fiddle a dick homo.

by SomeDudeIDunno November 21, 2012

33πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Another word for fag; gay; homosexual; someone only concerned with being an unwitty dumbass; focused on materialism or things without true meaning; someone with no purpose in life; not intelligent; letting little pieces of paper control your life because it is led to be cool from the moment you are born, usually through the media; gullible; readily accepting a lie; someone who does not amount to anything since they are too busy chasing common wealth/fool's gold because they think that is what people do in life; someone who does not sacrifice; no knowledge of self; someone easily manipulable; weak; frail See Example

Your just a fag, only concerned with your bullshit swag.

Why are you only focused on swag instead putting energy into something that is actually worth something? For example, spending money on protection (cameras, bulletproof vests, art of war, etc) rather than spending it on bullshit (designer clothes, rims, video games, etc).

by dumbkilla September 24, 2011

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Swag, is an overused slang word with many meanings. Some say that it means "something we've all got", others think it is a shortened version of "swagger", some "secretly we are gay", and one I've heard more recently "sexy with a bit of gangsta". The term is most commonly used by teenagers on the internet who think they're cool.

Romeo: Juliet, why can't we be together?

Juliet: lol because we have too much swag!

Romeo: lol #yolo, yeah we do, let's kill ourselves. Swag.

Juliet: Swag.

by bobles2000 January 9, 2014

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secretly we are gay

sam- i feel so swag rn

tom- no way me too!
everyone else- that’s sus

by lorrydriver69 February 13, 2021

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