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The MALE version of a KAREN

Bill rang up the Victorian Police to protest about having to wear a 'mask' in Melbourne Australia (Now law) - He's such a Darren!

by ChrisAdam-2 July 27, 2020

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Someone who won't wear a mask in public during a pandemic. The male version of a "Karen."

Look at that Darren telling the police that mandatory mask rules are against his human rights.

by BillyBalszacEsq July 27, 2020

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A fat faggot that plays Fortnite all day

Darren sucks diculous

by TheToasterRoaster May 25, 2019

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a lost cause

Darren's dumbass is a lost cause

by hryeuwibcwuiot8e November 26, 2019

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A male Karen.

Chad: How'll I lose?
Darren: Because I will beat your fucking dick into the ground ALL DAY LONG.
Chad: That's kinda gay innit?

by retard simulator October 25, 2020

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The act of being a melt

That person is a absolute Darren
Dont be a Darren, call her back

by coloncaptain May 14, 2020

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A stupid idiot who never shuts the fuck up. Usually girls called sandeep love him.

Sandeep loves darren

by Viet Nguyen November 18, 2019

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