Xiao Gan, a.k.a Aaron Chuang, a person who is super annoying, "dry", and extremely awkward.
If you don't want to get kicked out of the room then don't be a Xiao Gan.
References Adam Levine giving another man androgynous fellatio while maintaining an acne free face
Mick Jagger infamously caught gan changing David Bowie which is why, to this day, people say the best thing that ever came in or out of his mouth was some Bowester.
ah kua school. only got gay short stupid people
oi you from gan eng seng primary rite? ah kua school ah that one
It means that there is a 3x3 (GAN 11 M Pro UV Coated with magnets set to strong) that has next day delivery :)
"Bro I just got the GAN 11 M Pro (UV Coated) Magnets set to strong and next day delivery!"
Slang for "Go on Then."
Man 1: "I'm gonna nip shop and get some beers before the football starts."
Man 2: "Gan Then, hurry up!"
Gan is an abbreviation for the word goofy ass nigga which is self explanatory
Timmy: *does something goofy*
Zach: “Damn u a gan!”