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adj: containing qualities of both adorable and dork.

Mia is so adorkable with her glasses!

by bonapetite May 5, 2012

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the art of doing something dorky, or with dork characteristics, but in an adorable way. Adorkable is not a negative word, but a flirtatious term.

Amanda does the most adorkable things; Amanda is adorkable.

by DREZ27 August 24, 2011

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a person who is a dork and also adorable!

That Maddie is adorkable!

Alex is adorkable because he is darth!

by by:ALEX THE GREAT June 25, 2010

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One who is an adorable dork

She's so aDORKable

by Princess Toni February 18, 2014

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fun, loving sexual magnetic with a bit of nerd

HRH, His Royal Hotness, Constantine Maroulis, Greek God

by Chickyrees June 3, 2005

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A term of endearment describing a dork.

"Yo Phebes, yer boy is over in the corner doing the moonwalk wearing a Socialist Worker paper hat. Got to hand it to you, Boy is adorkable."

by companera September 25, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A hot chick that is cute and quirky but cool enough that she might actually go out with you.

With her beautiful smile, big boobs, great ass, wacky charms and goofball persona Marisa is sooooo adorkable.

by MikeD69 February 12, 2012

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