A shipping label doesn't give anybody advantages. An item shipped in the mail is supposed to have a shipping label.
There were no advantages to having a shipping label. The item wouldn't ship anywhere without one.
PC Advatnage is where you are giving an advantage in games because you play on a pc. There is no disabling this feature.
Bro you got bailed by epic, pc advantage is just not fair.
Someone with a Mass Advantage is a person who has an excessive amount of mass compared to another person who has less mass.
CT's shits are so massive compared to Fornis, but it makes sense since CT has a HUGE Mass Advantage
Used by in cels
Women look advantage all the time. It's equal standing stop saying it's natural for a man to look at a woman. It's just as natural for a woman to look another woman or man. Ect. Ect. Ect.
Yonbergo: fucking deep
Girl: ....look aDvAnTaGe...okay.
Western advantage is exactly what it sounds like. Westerners who have advantages. This is used for singers who live in the West. They have western advantage because they are English speakers and English is a worldwide language. Kpop stans and other stans like them use this to compare how western artists have an advantage in speaking a worldwide language opposing to how a kpop idol (other idol) doesn't get the same hype because Korean is not a worldwide language. They get the advantage of having worldwide publicity.
One Direction have the western advantage and are way more hyped than (insert kpop group/idol)
Referring to the 2023 season of the Australian Football League when a single goal separated the Queensland team of Brisbane Lions and the Victorian team of Collingwood. In the final 2 minutes of play, the Lions seemed set to score off of a free kick but the officiating umpire decided the Brisbane Lions had opted to take the advantage, which resulted in no score and an immediate turn over to Collingwood essentially resulting in Collingwood walking down the remaining time to play and securing the Grand Final
We got away with it!
Good old advantage-gate forever!