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Checkout Charity Ambush

Being hit up for a charity donation at a store checkout register. Stores know that everyone in line behind you will think that you're a cheap ass if you don't give. Ain't peer pressure great?

John: Wanna go out to a bar tonight?

Rick: Dude, I can't. I just lost my last 5 bucks in a Checkout Charity Ambush at the grocery store!

by Cicerone1 April 28, 2013

bukkake ambush

In legal terms: Sexual assault.

In the lingo of sexual deviants (=95% of the male population): The act which will "make you a... sex offender... hm, pordon me!... a MAN"

While it is quite obvious that most "men" are petty slaves to their depraved appetites, it is refreshing to hear someone being honest about their wish to sexually assault the "female species" via a "bukkake ambush."

by The Happy Humanist July 27, 2010

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Ambush fuck

Ambush fuck: (verb) to ambush a past/present partner in *consensual* sexual activities.

eg. I'm going to ambush fuck John; he has no idea what's coming.

by Ellar December 2, 2012

Kokiri Ambushed

Meant to be a pun of the word 'bush'. It means for someone to send a link that you ask for but it's actually a link to where it plays the nostalgic Kokiri Forest song from "The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time".

There's Rickrolled, Coconut Malled, the underrated Stick Bugged but I made up something called getting Kokiri Ambushed.

by Ishy-Yoshi April 18, 2023


The situation that unfolds when a parent comes unexpectedly and without invitation into the room of their adult kid, who i still living at home, to tell them to get a job or look for employment right now.

"Kevin, ich hab dir gestern gesagt du sollst dich bewerben, hast du es getan? NEIN?! WARUM NICHT!?" That is a job-ambush

by Runenwächter August 20, 2013


When your significant female sits on your face before noon (a.m.).

I was in bed at 9 this morning and my wife ambushed me. Sweet.

by Tonkchaser December 20, 2021


Ambush, when you think youre surrounded by alot of females but it turns out their really all traps.

Man last night i was in da club and i waa surrounded by all these good lookin girls but i came to find out after checking them out closely and it turned out i was in a ambush! I had to get outta there fast homie!

by Q-baller September 8, 2018