A gigachad, absolute unit of a male.
Ander is that type of kid who hasn't even set foot outside. He thinks life is a simulation and spends too much time on conspiracy forums. Its natural habitats are Discord, Reddit, and occasionally Facebook
Teacher: Ferdinand Magellan was the first to discover that the Earth was flat
Boy: But, isn't it a pyramid
Teacher: No you Ander! Why don't you go touch some grass you sweaty creature.
Usually a white male with bright curly hair.
Always smiles and laughs, especially if it is racist jokes
Has a medium sized cock
Likes to cuddle with other guys
"have you met Anders?"
"Yes, we cuddled, pretty medium dick he is packing"
Ander is one of the coolest guys you could ever meet! His hair is usually long, fluffy and amazing, he is very smart at physics and math, He also makes the best coffee ever, meeting an Ander is the best thing that can ever happen to you!
Ander is the best teacher ever
Ander is a person who looks out more for himself than for others. Addicted to gambling, he will make you cry if his opinion goes against yours. You should only have an Ander in your life if you go to war. People often avoid befriending him, but deep down he is a good person. Deep down.
- Why are you crying?
- Because of Ander
Some asshole who blew up the Catholic Church because his boyfriend got merced.
Person: "I love Anders!"
Person 2: "Bisexuals keep on ruining my life."
Person: "...What?"