Brother Anish is a person that the mankind looks upon. He is the light that shines upon the earth. Br.Anish as he is so called, symbolises success. He is an emblem of trust, friendship and brotherhood. With his dashing and handsome face he is always able to attract the opposite gender. His personality is what differs him the most, with his top notch humour and down to earth behaviour he is a true example of how perfect a human being can be. Also regarded as the mathematical genius to many he is definitely what many aim to be in Life
OMFG! that is Brother Anish, I want to be like Brother Anish, he is such a great man!!
Anish Gurung is a very cute and small boy with a 2 inch p3nis
He is like a kitten but likes scking c0ck
He fingers his @ss also never takes a bath
He is a certified drainer
You know I'm homophobic stop with the Anish Gurung behaviour
One of the worlds best chess player who is considered to be one of the main contenders for magnus carlsens throne
Person 1 - did you see anish giris match against caruana in the candidates?
Person 2 - yeah ,shame he couldnt wit the tournament
Person 1 - he probably will win the next one
A wealthy and obsessively-eccentric British-Indian sculptor who spends huge sums to purchase all of the raven-hued pigments in his entire area so that nobody else can color anything with it.
Anish Karich states da exact opposite of da "tin Lizzy tycoon" --- "You can have any color, as long as it ISN'T black."
Da early-autumn Hebrew holiday when nobody is allowed to color anything black.
During Anish Kippur, hardware stores and home-improvement outlets have windfall sales of "black market" paint.
Is the all time tomato. And looks like a pimple.
"Yo is that Anish Potta? Wow PALAK singh wants him!"