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Viewer Appreciation Day

Awesome thing from Kronic on JTV

hey, gonna win prizes at Viewer Appreciation Day

by TheOnlyBeat May 13, 2010

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simp appreciation day

July 25
The day on which simps are appreciated for their hard work of protecting women and being nice to them

Hey bro thank you for your hard work. Happy simp appreciation day.

by simp2020 July 21, 2020

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Girlfriend Appreciation day

Girlfriend appreciation day is August 17th

Girlfriend Appreciation day-

β€œI have to post how much I appreciate my girlfriend”

by Catsinboots395 August 15, 2019

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Roman numeral appreciation


I wish I was alive in 1969 to see the NY Jets Win Roman numeral appreciation III.

by Mike Tsirklin February 1, 2009

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sophie appreciation day

the 5th of august!! a day where we appreciate sophie for the whole day (as well as every other day)

are you celebrating sophie appreciation day?
yes of course!! everyone should appreciate sophie

by UNA!!! August 3, 2021

Ryan Reynolds appreciation

March 24th the day when we celebrate ryan reynolds as one sexy man

Ryan Reynolds appreciation day is so fun

by Daddyryan69420 April 15, 2022

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Gudetama Appreciation day

Gudetama Appreciation day is just praising a cute lazy egg in June 19th.

Hey, have you heard? it’s Gudetama Appreciation day!!

by vampjm April 14, 2021