A young man who seeks out old women for baggage or boobage. Many of these kids do not grow up with loving parents.
Dane Logan Derouin is baggage-claimer because he likes to mate with his grandma.
When the baggage (i.e. commitment issues) from a previous relationship causes a person to break up with their new partner, and as a result, that new partner gains the baggage of the dumper, which causes problems in the new partners future relationships. Similar to an S.T.D., except mental rather than physical.
"Dexter, why don't you just date that cute girl from school that texts you all the time?" "I can't! Catherine gave me R.T.B. (Relationship Transmitted Baggage), and ever since I have serious commitment issues."
When you meet someone in dating that has so many issues, that's it's like a baggage buffet.
Oof - not moving forward with a relationship with that guy. He's got mommy issues, money problems, and he's not over his ex. He talks about her so much, I'm starting to wonder what she's up to now! And I literally cannot hear another story about his bad childhood. He's a baggage buffet. Pretty much undatable.