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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The greatest show on television ever! It starred Will Smith, and its really tight. It was cancelled a while ago, but it is where Will Smith really started his acting career.

"Hey, did you see yesterday's episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

"Oh yah! I wouldn't miss an episode of the Fresh Prince for my life!"

by Bobby Lillquist February 22, 2009

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Fresh Prince of Bel-air

a very very funny show! thazz all that needs 2 b sed.

"for a long time it gave me nightmares to witness an injustice like that. the way they mocked him! 'silly rabbit, trix are for kids!' why couldn't they just give him some cereal?!"

by Alcatraz Psycho Ward Outpatient August 27, 2005

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bel air high school

Bel Air High School, a place of raging achoholics, completly trashed potheads, preps that think anyone would die for a sexual intercourse with them, and goths who should probably just kill themselves and get in out of the way sooner, rather than later and suffer of the embarassment of the pot killing you first. Bel Air High School if you want to be beaten up by the angry gang members the roam the hallways looking for a punching bag..but dont worry the leaking tanks or the asbestos near the locker rooms will kill you first. A cop now roams the hallways along with those gang members.. i guess he mistoke it for a prison..i can imagine why that would not be hard. Being in bel air is like being in a maximum security prision full of asswholes and morons that think the world is their sex lover. Were just like most schools though...we have the preps, who think are the hottest things since britt spears, the goths, that you should watch out for unless you want to experience some form of vodo, the prudes..that are wasting their life away being "studeous", the punk rockers, the ghetto sluts and whores, and the complete and utter weirdos that most people would rather die than talk to. The only thing that sucks more than the athletic teams are the girls..and even then the guys still think they suck. People at BA masterbate to the beatles, and make love to avril lavigne. Lacrosse players are stupid enough to smoke it up right behind the school. Little do they know the only reason that they are good is because they have Brandon Mcknew. Most likeley if you go to bel air, that your best friend has done you mom on one occasion or another. If your best friend hasnt done your mom, hes done your sister. Half of the kids there go to AA meetings every tuesday, or go to drug rehab...not that they care. Dont come to bel air, ecpecially if you are from fallston, c.milton, or north harford, well have to take your money...and kick your ass.

"You fucking wouldnt get my pot...so i did your mom bitch"

Gang Member One: Do you wanna piece of me?
Gang Member Two:..ppshht..bitch please i want the whole thing

"You got any more vodka over there?...i drank all of the bacarti"

" Shit man..my dildo broke!!"..."Its okay dude i have a spare"

by Bellarion April 30, 2005

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Bel Air High School

Bel Air High, also known as "where the tree at", is a institution of secondary education that produces geniuses and masterminds. I.e., that genius who decided to steal a car while drunk, while high, while smoking a blunt, with alchohol in the car, without a drivers liscence. Not to mention that amazing mind of crimal intelligence sitting in cell 4 in the maryland state juvinelle detention center.We have mastered the art of putting depressants and stimulants into our blood stream's. On an average day, the normal belair-ian wakes up, goes through his phone book to see who's hott for dope, sleeps through his education, get's kicked off the soccer team, hits a bong, and passes the fuck out. Only to repeat the vicious cycle the next day. Everyone at bel air fuckes everyone else. Its a "tight" circle of "close" friends that all fuck each other, and their best friends boyfriend, and their boyfriends best friend, and their girlfriends best friends mother. Don't come to bel air and expect your mom's vagina not to be beaten up, it will inevidably happen, don't try and hinder fate. The school building is ultimatly leaking asbestos into the ozone layer right now. Everyone will inevidably blame George Bush when global warming happens and we all fry like a stoner on his 4th ounce of the day, but nah, that was us Oh yeah, and that whole 9/11 thing, that was us to. The school is full of preps that try to do the whole "i think i'll wear a low cut shirt and inconspicuously try and have boys look down my shirt and get erections". Happens every day. BA sluts have got more silver hoops that the special olympics. Cheerleaders are skanks, fuck one and i guarentee, you'll have contracted syphilis, crabs, gonerhea, or chlymidia. The football teams starting line up is about 10 guys weighing an average of 120 pounds.Enough Said. We have a boys volleyball team, why none of us can figure out yet. Maybe its to give the guys that don't make the football team a hobby or something to do, because honestly, society will forever refuse to believe that volleyball takes any skill what so ever. The lacrosse team goes to team AA meeting and drug testing. Harford county goes through 98% of their urine sample cups a year just drug testing the bel air lacrosse team. Teams at bel air don't seem to understand the concept of.. win. Life ain't chill when you lose at everything, or when you don't have weed. HA, like that would ever happen, belairians grow their own, theres never a shortage. Fights go a little something like
" eeehhhhhhyyyyy, im about to fuck that nigga up. "
"do it, i dare you"
"ohhhh homie, you a little bigger than i though, i'm not tryina get knocked the fuck out"
BA is the home of beerpong, its the only thing were ill at, don't that that away from us. Once upon a time there were a group of morons that smoked up behind the school, in open daylight, when there were teachers and cops outside. But who cares, i mean honestly, life if grand when your hitting that reefer. At bel air we have an elite core of individuals that lead our academic ranks. They are inagurated into presigous instiutions such as HCC & Essex Community College. We hate C. Milton Wright, and Fallston, not to mention North Harford. I mean, like we have probable cause, they are better than us at everything. One of these days Bel Air High School is going to collapse and topple to the ground killing all the rats that live in the girls locker room couch. In conclusion, one of these days students at bel air are going to seize reality that bel air is a place of narcotics, beer, dope, and sex. You know you've got a problem when the school them song is "where the nug, where the nug, where the nug at?!" So please, get a grip on reality, smoke a joint, and pass the fuck ouuuuuuuuuuut.

"God damn it, who took that 8th ounce of weed."

"Nah its beat, i can't chill dude, i've got my 4 drug test in 3 days."

"Lets get naked and fuck each other, see who gets herpes first"

"Im acctually a mad smart kid, to bad i fucked my brain over with weed and cocaine"

"Bel Air High School, why don't you just fall down, its not like i'll feel it anyway, i'm to fucked up"

by Camille Robinson September 10, 2006

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Bel Air High School

This school is the worst place. Thought to be a place of learning and education although it is the oppisite. It is a school to learn how to cause trouble. All the teachers are old and boring except MR. Rose.

I went to the school and hated every minute of it thats why kids come up in there stoned every day.

by JoSchmo March 21, 2005

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Bel Air Middle School

This might be the worst fucking school in existence. The whole place is falling apart, it's to the point where the school could literally be flooded and nobody would bat an eye. This is also a place where you can get assigned seats at lunch because somebody threw a fucking water bottle into the trash. Every teacher has a power complex except like 2 who didn't make me want to kill myself, it's to the point where you get sent to the office for fucking laughing at someone throwing a pencil. There are also these deadass parties that never happen because the person either wimps out of having it or somebody snitched. P.E might be the worst part of the day, the locker rooms are pretty much a fucking gas chamber due to the smell of paint because they repaint the damn place life every month and also the smell of people not taking a fucking shower for a week pretty much chokes you out. Once you make it out of said locker room you do "warmups", I think they actually mean they perform the torture that prisoners of war in Vietnam had to go through. On average you do like 20 situps, 20 curl-ups, like 10 pushups and like 5 minutes of "jogging" which is actually making you run at full speed until your legs give out. Then after this torture, you go outside and play flag football for like 40 minutes while your still fucking dying from warmups. Also, you can get suspended for the dumbest shit, you run a meme account about the school, prepare to be suspended for a week. This school just sucks.

Bel Air Middle School is a school located in the somewhat decent town of Bel Air, Maryland

by ICantThinkOfAGoodHandle September 18, 2019

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Fresh prince of bel-air

Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

"Fresh prince of bel-air is lit"

by Chinese babies December 13, 2017

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