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Birthday Diva

Someone who acts needy & entitled on their birthday. Has to have his or her way exactly. Has an inflated sense of self-importance. And acts offended if his or her wild, out-of-proportion birthday expectations are not met.

Katie: I'm getting a new car, staying at a condo this weekend, and dining at the finest restaurants all weekend for my BIRTHDAY!

Philip: Stop being such a birthday diva

by feetwasher June 13, 2010

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I'm birthday

I'm gay

Louis from 1d: "i'm birthday (gay) its pretty unfortunate isn't it Eleanor"

by Fookingloosah June 9, 2021

Blissful Birthday

Blissful Birthday; a saying developed by Matthew Donzelle Robinson; basically, the term is a substitution for saying Happy Birthday!

Chanel: Bleu, it's my birthday!!!

Bleu: Blissful Birthday Chanel!

by Original___Don September 4, 2019

Birthday Dump

A poop that requires no toilet paper afterwards due to the fact that it left nothing behind on your behind.

Dude, I was just taking a shit and realized there was no toilet paper. Luckily it was a birthday dump, or I would have been in big trouble.

by Noobraham Lincoln May 30, 2008

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birthday massacre

A rock band from Toronto, Canada. A truly remarkable blend of fantasy and horror. While one might use words like "metal," "goth," or even "powerpop" to describe such a sound, "dreamy" and "surreal" do the band far more justice. It's a sound so uniquely visual, you might describe it more like a painting or a feeling. It's as if the story of David Fincher's "Seven" appeared like "Alice in Wonderland," but everything was a creamy shade of violet.

The Birthday Massacre is releasing a vide soon.

by VKX April 28, 2005

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herpe birthday

The very first recorded blossoming of sores on an individual (either orally, genitally, anally, or elsewhere on the human body) as caused by the herpes virus.

Todd: Sam, it looks as though I've got a pretty bad sore down there. Do you have any clue as to what it might be?

Sam: Why, Todd, that appears to be a case of genital herpes! This must be your first outbreak; in which case, Herpe Birthday, my friend!

by not_my_good_eye August 7, 2012


The day that your mom got sick of you and pooped u out

Sally: Why?

by P00pc0rn October 29, 2019

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