a word targeted towards black males/females to call them to you like a pup
Or another use of the n word
Hey coonie boonie come back to the field
The middle of nowhere. The sticks. East Sacramento.
Wow Alex and Jess really live in the boonies? Yea! All the way in East sac.
booni is a sweet kind soul and the bestest of the best, i love you booni!!!!!!!
person: “whos booni they sound weird ew...”
me:”dont say that to booni shes amazing!”
a word that is a combination of boo boo, poop and penis
oh boonis!!!
An offensive slur for a black transgender individual.
"You fucking boonie!"
"Dude don't say that, that's transphobic to black people."
An offensive, racist slur to (a) black transgender individual(s).
"You fucking boonie!"
"Dude, don't say that, that's offensive and racist to black transgender people."