The perfect couple, they start off ruff and break up but give it time and they will blow the world away with their love and affection towards each-other, Brenden takes the break up hard but he gets through it and they get back together and he treats her better than he has ever have, he loves her and she loves him, a perfect couple.
God Brenden+Coral are so perfect and cure
A person who makes cow noises who has a hard to spell last name
He is a gay kid that wants to Kiss you In the ass and he is an asshole
A thicc fem/eboy. He gets all the girls online but not in person. He’s a bitch and has friends named Eli and Patrick
Is spelt Brenden actually pronounced Brandon
Any girlfriend he has is a possible jail sentence for a Brenden
Don't chase a Brenden on a scooter or make any home made videos with one
Brenden is a last name that belongs to a family full of Liars, secret and pregnent people. They love to have a good time in bed but they are kind of stupid to. They want otherside to ting they Are something they are’nr but dosen’t CARE How or who they hurt. Most young ones Are pretty poor and the old ones Are rich.
Brenden person: I have the richest perants and they promised me to but me a car when i’m 30. And I am the Coolest and sexyest person in the World.
He is always there for you. He makes you smile for no reason. Gives you a ton of butterflies. His smile is the best thing on this earth. I love his eyes. He is always sweet, loving, caring, funny, stupid. He is my favorite person on this planet. I’m so in love with him. He is always there for me when I need it. He will always be there for you. He is a stupid sometimes but overall he is an amazing person. I love talking with him. He makes me feel so safe. I love him with everything I have.
brenden is amazing and outgoing
girl 1: He is so cute
girl 2: Yeah but he’s mine