Source Code

Charlie Brown Christmas

When a son or daughter wakes up on christmas morning excited for presents and runs into their parents room, only to find their father pooping on their mothers chest and making the families golden retriever lick the feces off.

Walking in on a Charlie Brown Christmas is still better than being a jew.

by James Frother November 6, 2012

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down like a clown charlie brown

when you make arrangements with somebody and they say "sounds like a plan...stan"...you say "i'm down like a clown charlie brown"

there is no point to this...it just rhymes.

by Amelia Mitchevski July 25, 2005

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You're a good man, Charlie Brown

Something said to someone who does good and means well but always gets the crap end of things or the short end of the stick. Similar to "Bless your heart."

Guy 1: Hey, what happened to your arm?
Guy 2: I helped my uncle move a couch the other day. He let go, and I fell down the stairs.
Guy 1: Wow, that sucks, man.
Guy 2: Yeah, but I still picked it back up and carried it up the stairs.

Guy 1: You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

by Archer Thornwood. July 28, 2017

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I'm down like a clown Charlie Brown

It's a reference to the old cartoon Charlie Brown.

"Sounds like a plan Stan."
"I'm down like a clown Charlie Brown."

by Uselessinformation.mf April 17, 2017

Two Thumbs Up Charlie Brown

When someone puts two thumbs up someones anus along with their penis and preforms anal sex.

You better shut up or i'll give you a Two Thumbs Up Charlie Brown

by Constable Headshot January 16, 2008

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charlie brown lookin ass

A person who is bad at melee and their ass looks like Charlie Brown

Interchangeable with sally pickles lookin ass

Person 1: I bet I can beat u in melee

Person 2: ok try me
Person 1: *gets bodied*
Person 2: you’re so bad you Charlie Brown lookin ass

by 69420master_of _sex March 4, 2018

charlie brown

Wake up needing to take a shit, then immediately have a Charlie horse in the back of your leg.

I had such a bad charlie brown this morning, I looked like the walking dead trying to get to the toilet.

by bigmason July 11, 2020