A slang term used in the south of Johannesburg mostly but also in all of south Africa, used as a name for someone like dude but south african pretty much
Hey bru, hows your day going.
Not to bad bru
brus is the name of one of the biggest balls of the god!1. it resides in mizoram.
legond sayz thet on 6:69 am on the february 30th of 2069, the balls will arise from ze bobux secret labratory and will end all the zussy mogus staying on earth.
hail brus!11
zamn1! 😍 brus do be zussing them balls 😳😳😳😳😳😳
Norwegian slang for cocaine. Commonly used amongst low-life losers at Skaugum (a bar in Oslo) before the traditional bathroom break at 2am.
Klør i nesa, brur. Tørst på noe brus, eller?
Got an itchy nose, bro. Thirsty for some brus, or what?
A rare breed of sexy ass rich businessman who typicaly ownes a construction company.All the girls wanna bang Brus
Is that Brus?I want him in my pants tonight!