The act of violently shoving a mattress with a person in it up against a wall. Preferably on the the top bunk of a bunk bed which creates better leverage. A wall burrito can be a form of punishment or a source of amusement. Or both at the same time. Wall burritos are common in fraternities where stupid pledges or total douchebags are served up spicy wall burritos on the reg. Also a presidential platter is the act of wall burritoing my pussy during the 2008-2009 school year when he was PC President and had his own crib.
I got woken up last night to Darsch's head smacking the wall from a wall burrito.
That fuckin wedge didnt do my laundry well enough so we wall burritoed the shit out of him.
Koehn came into the racks last night and served up some spicy wall burritos.
Will Cotter, aka Beef Burrito, is the greatest, hairiest, sweatiest Volleyball player to walk this earth.
A shit taken in someone's car usually in an act of revenge or defiance. Often left as a message in a poorly parked car.
Terrell played lookout while Juan took a shit the size of an axe handle in the back seat of Benny's Cadillac. When Juan finished Terrell looked in and said, "Mutha fuck! That is one big ass Detroit Burrito!"
They laughed as they left and Juan turned back one last time and yelled, "Welcome to Dee-fuckin-troit, bitch!"
A phenomenon wherein the tortilla is so tightly wrapped around a burrito's filling that a structural weakness develops.
Eventually, the burrito's innards begin protruding from a thin point in the tortilla, causing the mixed juices of the burrito to seep out. The juices typically mimic a brown color and thin viscosity that resembles anal leakage. Hence, the resultant orifice of the burrito is referred to as a "burrito butthole".
Commonly manifested in the gargantuan San Francisco-style burritos served at Chipotle.
Person #1: "Oh no, I'm starting to get a burrito butthole."
Person #2: "Quick, suck on it before the juices start to escape!"
Person #1: (Sucks on burrito butthole)
Person #2: "Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about..."
Person #1: (Stops sucking on burrito butthole. Slowly begins walking away from Person #2.)
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1. a life changing experience.
2. a street food dish (Burrito) from the world famous World Street Kitchen (WSK) that features red curry chicken, fried rice, basil, cilantro and secret sauce.
i just got bangkok burrito'ed..... aka my life has changed.
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The delicious phrase that succeeds the already tasty "cool beans."
1) Intended to be a replacement or an expansion upon "cool beans." According to the prophecy, all cool beans will eventually be made into neato burritos. Their fate is inevitable-- it is only a matter of time.
2) Means "cool" or "awesome," but can also be a form of approval or for closing a conversation in a simultaneously witty and dorky manner.
"Whoa, check that out!"
"Dang, that's neato burrito!"
"So I'll pick you up at 7?"
"Sounds good."
"Neato burrito."
"I just got an iPad!"
"Cool beans, man."
"Actually, it's 'neato burrito,' now."
"Shut the hell up, Matt."
" :( "
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Verb: to defecate - especially large single turds
Pardon me from this great first date, I have to go drown a burrito.