Source Code

che caso

misspelling of "che cazzo".
meaning what the fuck, what the hell, all that good shit.
cazzo is fuck, dick, balls, basically any obscenity. so yeah.

Chrissy, you come to me with this? Che caso (cazzo)! Sometimes, I wonder why you're even a made man.

by Hawaiian Dicking February 5, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Roy

if you know a che roy he probably has a wham jaw line and tends to be good at cards and pulling queens. He also has a fetish for gypsies and if you ever see him through one of his windows he is probably fingering his ass and raw dogging reggie whilst having the thought of being raw dogged by the fam. he also has a micro nob that only can be fiddled by the dwarfs with cerebral pulsy

Reggie:โ€™โ€™ have u seen che royโ€™โ€™

by cerebralpulsyabuser January 29, 2022

chester che

when you put a chetto in a mans penis hole and while the girl is giving a blow job at the same time she eats it

you must have a big penis to produce a chester che

by cardcub April 13, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Guevara

Ernesto "Che Guevara" was an upper class Argentine doctor turned Cuban revolutionary who took aim against imperialism in all of its forms during the middle of the 20th century.

He is highly honored due to his stand against imperialism and his constant struggle for liberation, and greatly hated due to his militant ways and his anti-capitalistic ways. His ideas and praise of Guerrilla warfare and adventurism also gain him praise.

The man was captured and executed in Bolivia by CIA trained Bolivian Green Berets in the late 60's, after a failed revolution attempt (Due to Bolivia's Pro-Soviet leader). Though the execution was kept quiet to keep the people from looking at the revolutionary as a martyr, they did anyway. His face and influence is now greater than ever; covering land had helped to free including the Congo, Cuba, and South America and even in the land of his enemies (USA).

Due to propaganda and false accusations, some believe Che was a Hitler-esque belligerent terrorist, however the man known for his caring ways towards the captured enemy and his hate for terrorism could not have been more different.

Like all, Ernesto Guevara had his faults, but is in no way similar to the way many make him out to be; for he was no Christ, nor the opposite, just a man who stood for something.

That boy is a radical Che Guevara adventurist-leftist

by Badmoon September 19, 2005

2206๐Ÿ‘ 1471๐Ÿ‘Ž

che guevara

A fanatical Argentine communist who joined up with Fidel Castro and became one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution. Was responsible for the deaths of political prisoners. He was too extreme even for Fidel, so he left Cuba and travelled around the world to foment global revolution (unsuccessfully. His assassination in Bolivia turned him into a martyr, and his picture was widely reproduced on magazine covers, posters, and T-shirts. It didn't hurt that he was one of the few "hot" communist leaders, making him the James Dean of Communism. Today his picture is worn on T-shirts mostly by wealthy American teenagers from extremely privileged backgrounds, ironically the same class he would love to have destroyed, mainly because he was a very good looking man who is vaguely considered a symbol of rebellion.

Very few of the kids who wear Che Guevara T-shirts have the slightest idea about Che's actual political beliefs.

by Rattus cattus October 26, 2006

474๐Ÿ‘ 295๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Guevara

A communist douche bag who hated money (literally), executed prisoners of war, and only succeeded in one battle where his opponents actually surrendered. He ran a notorious political prison and murdered many innocent people. He then traveled to the Congo where he fostered more violence. Upon his return to South America, he was murdered by the Bolivian army in much the same way he murdered political prisoners.

Young college douchebag - "Che Guevara was hero!"
Someone with half a brain - "I didn't know heroes ran political prisons and executed men who already surrendered."

by James March 22, 2006

553๐Ÿ‘ 364๐Ÿ‘Ž


one upping a touche`

dude#1 :nice hair fag
dude#2 :you should talk, you have a backwards mohawk!
dude#1 :touche` you emo-lite hair flippin wannabee
dude#2 :ow, three-che`

by LitlMsFace March 29, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž