A sandwich consisting of copious amounts of Nutella and Peanut Butter between two slices of white bread.
It is named such as it will provide one with enough energy to supply a small town but will inevitably lead to a complete sugar crash after an hour.
Mikey: "Dude, I just had a Chernobyl Sandwich and it is the bomb! I just deep-cleaned my house, asked out three women, went skiing, went surfing, cooked a five course dinner and... uhhhhhhhhh..."
David: "What the fuck?"
Mikey: *unintelligible noises similar to a brain-dead chimpanzee*
This act of charity requires 5 partners. The 1st partner will siphon semen from the genitals of the 2nd. The 2nd partner will then swallow the semen and allow it to digest, many hours later once the semen has left the body in the form of feces, the 3rd partner will swallow the feces and then force themselves to vomit it back into the rectum of the 4th partner
I got Chernobyl Poptarted last night, and now there are stains on the carpet
When a Russian prositute sits on your chest and farts in your mouth.
That Russian chick totally gave him the best Chernobyl ever.
1. The ugly doppelganger.
2. The unattractive version of another person.
Sarah Hyland is Mila Kinis' Chernobyl.
A city in Ukraine often used for the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Pripyat, Ukraine. Chernobyl is often used when talking about the explosion of reactor No. 4 of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station.
The Chernobyl explosion was devastating for the town of Pripyat.
The use of the word Chernobyl (/tʃɜ rˈnoʊbəl/), usually referred to the nuclear disaster, as a metaphor for hybridity, mutation, human error but most importantly as a new opportunity, a celebration of life, the “Carpe Diem” of Eastern Europe.
—Ey man not sure about going out today, feeling lazy..
—Damn.. Chernobyl! we only live once!